
Welcome to my new and improved website.  If you are familiar with my work or my classes, you already know that my glass usually contains an engineering challenge.  As I receive new commissions, I use each one to introduce a new look, a technique that pushes the envelope of what is already on the market, or a design challenge.  Many times the venue demands the challenge such as a curved wall, no light transmission or an extraordinary installation issue.  I enjoy solving those challenges: the subsequent design and presentation, the pitch, the client contact; all of that, perhaps more than the glass work itself.

For the many students that attend any of my 13 “Let’s Learn Something Different” classes, I hope you have all witnessed how much I enjoy the classroom environment.  I am constantly amazed at how creative a group of people can be when they move off the starting line with all the same instructions and finish with such unique work.

In my upcoming posts, which I hope will be on a regular weekly basis, I will detail my upcoming work, my available work and glimpses into the work that comes and goes on and off my glassbench.

Thanks for reading, I hope to entertain you or at least to keep the desire for stained glass alive and kicking.

Hope to see some of you in class, attending a webinar or at an upcoming show.

Best regards,

Cathy Claycomb